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Virtual World Video Tutorials


The project was realized in the scope of a special call for financial support under the Erasmus + network Key Activity 2: Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness in Vocational Education and Training as a response to changes in education and training caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The project holder Training 4 Skills in the Digital Environment (T4SVEN) is the Agency for Vocational and Adult Education, and the partners are the University of Patras (Greece), EVBB (Belgium), the University of Cyprus (Cyprus), and the Hellenic Open University (Greece).

The main objective of the project is supporting VET T&T through a set of digital open resources based on digital pedagogy principles, that would equip them with competencies for integration of digital technologies with their content-matter expertise, and thus enhance effective teaching, enrich the methods of VET delivery, including WBL.

The specific objectives are to:

  • develop a concept on digital pedagogy with a special focus on the WBL in some of the hardest hit sectors due to Covid-19, such as tourism, hospitality, and transport
  • pilot developed an online course on digital pedagogy
  • pilot a peer-review approach to validate the final coursework of teachers
  • prepare VET t&t for pedagogical and methodical challenges when transferring to the digital and blended learning environment
  • strengthen networking and international cooperation through partnerships between countries and different levels of education
  • strengthen networking between VET schools and exchange of good practices, through the implementation of a peer review as an external evaluation tool
  • promote openness, inclusiveness, and innovativeness of VET

The primary target group is VET t&t, while school directors, in-company WBL trainers, policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders, and VET students will also benefit from the innovative practices introduced by this project.

The transnational dimension of this project brings together the expertise of different countries and VET systems and it enables mutual learning on digital pedagogy in particular, which would close the identified gap between country, sector, and education level practices, making the final output of online course fully transnational and transferable to other countries.




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