NEver TOO LAte

Never TOO LAte



New Tools for Learning in Adult age – NEver TOO LAte is a 27-month project (October 2019- December 2021).

The project is developed in 6 European countries: IT-GR-ES-PT-A-D. These are Countries affected by: general progressive impoverishment due to economic-socio-cultural crises occurred over time; political issues related to the lack of measures in favor of processes of integration and inclusion of people in marginal or deprived conditions; high unemployment rate mostly affecting young people, women and people poorly or at all qualified; incoming strong migration flows from countries afflicted by poverty and conflict.

The priority addressed is social inclusion. In particular, the project aims to:
a) Develop tools to encourage young people and adults with poor or no schooling, EU and non-EU citizens, to improve and/or develop their functional literacy, numeracy and digital skills; to increase the ability to learn how to learn; to improve social and citizenship skills, such as the ability to act as responsible citizens and to participate fully in civic and social life. The project aims to involve 200 young people aged 16-30 with a particular focus on: poorly or not literate adults with a high risk of socio-cultural marginalization and with limited access to citizenship rights; applicants/holders of international protection; women at risk of exclusion and/or victims of trafficking and sexual/labor exploitation, beneficiaries of protection measures; unaccompanied foreign minors no longer subject to compulsory schooling (over 16); young and adults of Roma ethnicity, both male and female.

b) Provide methodological tools to 80 professionals in basic education and citizenship for adults, identified by partners among trainers, educators, teachers, cultural linguistic mediators.

4 Multiplier events are planned in 4 of the partner countries (Spain, Greece, Germany, Italy), to disseminate intellectual property and Recommendations.

To achieve its goals, NEver Too LAte will produce 3 Intellectual outputs:
A Comparative Research, with the analysis of methodologies and positive experiences in partner countries (Italy, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Greece) in the the project field of interest; a “MyDigital FlipBooks” Multimedia Library for the use of professionals, to support young people and vulnerable adults in lifelong learning paths; a Basic Learning Platform compatible with all digital devices and aimed at motivating young people and adults to complete learning paths to basic and citizenship skills.

Expected outcomes are:

Increased number of adults and young people, EU and not-EU, with poor or no schooling, motivated to develop/improve functional literacy, numeracy, digital, social and citizenship skills according to their social inclusion needs and aspiration;
Improved abilities of professionals, in motivating the project target groups to learn and enhance their skills;
Effective awareness orientation, and motivation to learn” strategies implemented at the community level, for the benefit of particularly vulnerable non-literate people.


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